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Hentekojo Chimdondon Ver.

to R mansion
Age: All Ages| Duration: 60 mins| In Japanese (no subtitles)

Weird and incoherent!

Little people, big people, come gather round! Open your googly eyes and see the world! You’ll see that it's filled with quirky things and quirky people. "Quirky" is a special trait… a treasure everyone has. Let's go and find your quirks and have fun together! We can move to the rhythms of the quirky gymnastics, see the light, make a map emerge, and shake up our senses, bodies, and imaginations within this crazy Quirk Works world filled with laughter and surprises. Come and play with us!


N8 Atelier Mekaru Base, 1st Floor

(18-1) Fri 28th July 11:00

(18-2) Fri 28th July 13:00

(18-3) Fri 28th July 17:00

(18-4) Sat 29th July 11:00

(18-5) Sat 29th July 13:00

(18-6) Sat 29th July 17:00

(18-7) Sun 30th July 11:00

(18-8) Sun 30th July 13:00

(18-9) Sun 30th July 17:00

Doors open: 15 mins before the show starts.


Supported by:

Arts and culture promotion fund grant programme