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Performance Event 2019 EN
ricca ricca festa international TYA theater for young audiences children japan asia
Yamato, a young man who cannot feel hopeful to live. Tamatsu, a girl whose being itself brings happiness to others. When these two meet, their deadly love sparks. It is the forbidden love which cannot be known by anyone. One night, however, their love is revealed… What will happen to the two, torn and distanced?...
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ricca ricca festa international TYA theater for young audiences children japan asia
This ambitious production which tells the story of Victor Hugo’s masterpiece Les Misérables as an object theatre with only 2 actresses was created for ricca ricca*festa 2016 and made a great success. A renowned Italian director Davide Doro (compagnia RODISIO) portrayed the aspiration, love and lives of nameless people who never give up living and...
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ricca ricca festa international TYA theater for young audiences children japan asia
Have you ever imagined what you will be like in your old age? Are you afraid to grow old? Old-school is a school of senility. The actors made the puppets in their own image to tame their future. Each of them tells his story by learning how to understand himself as an elderly person. In...
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ricca ricca festa international TYA theater for young audiences children japan asia
That’s the way the world wags. There is a Pack, which means there should be a Leader. The Leader decides either to pick a fight with the enemy or quietly retire. The Leader decides whether the man-cub should become part of the Pack, or he should be torn to pieces by the Big Tiger. It’s...
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