This ambitious production tells the story of Victor Hugo's masterpiece Les Misérables as an object theatre with only 2 actresses. It was created for ricca ricca*festa 2016 and achieved a great success. A renowned Italian director Davide Doro (compagnia RODISIO) portrayed the aspiration, love and lives of nameless people who never give up living and fight against power and society. The vivid images of people in Les Misérables are drawn out with universality and modern-day relevance, and would strongly appeal to the heart of audiences living in today's world.
Tue 23rd March 19:00
Wed 24th March 15:00
Thur 25th March 19:00
Fri 26th March 13:00
Sat 27th March 15:00
Doors open: 15 mins before the show starts.