A magical and poetic journey through the night.
Exploring children’s relationship with light.
The day slows and soon all are asleep.
All except one who cannot sleep.
A child, curious to know who looks after the night.
And so begins a magical journey through the dark and beautiful night until the black bird sings again to welcome a new day.
Created by Andy Manley (UK_ and Teater Refleksion (Denmark)
Co-produced with Red Bridge Arts (Scotland) and Imaginate (Scotland)
(6-1) Wed 25th July 13:00
(6-2) Wed 25th July 17:00
(6-3) Thur 26th July 11:00
Door opens: 5 mins before the show starts.
No entry for latecomers.
ACO Okinawa
The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in the fiscal 2018